There are always too many expectations for a band with the severity of Enthroned. Besides, the die-hard black metal fans are very demanding. With nine full-length albums in their arsenal, Enthroned are surely one of the big names in the underground scene. In 2012, the blasphemous black metal fire from “Obsidium” is unleashed upon the thirsty fans of the genre. Although it seems that they have changed a little of their usual sound, the Belgian tyrants released a very well-played and interesting album. But first of all, I have to mention that this rate, doesn’t reflect my personal opinion for “Obsidium”. For me it’s an another black metal masterpiece, and I’m supposed to write an objective music review.

From a first listening, it looks like a classic Enthroned record. “Sepulchred Within Opaque Slumber”,”Nonus Sacramentvm – Obsidium” and “Horns Aflame” are coming like a furious storm, with raw tremolo pickings, furious blastbeats and all these elements that are included in the orthodox black metal music of Enthroned. Occultism, grimness and mysticism can easily describe “Obsidium”. Besides this is the classic characteristic of Enthroned releases. In many songs, like “Deathmoor”, the speed rises up very much and alongside chaotic melodies and catalyst atmosphere, they create an excellent result. But these raw tracks create only a sympathetic black metal album. The really amazing things that evolve “Obsidium” into a killer record are included in “Oblivious Shades”. Vortex of melodies, malevolent atmosphere, great alteration of riffs and very heavy guitars are coming to drop the listener in the abyss of hell.

The whole album has a very solid music structure, and the songs don’t differ musically from each other. “Tetra Karcist” for example doesn’t have this music stability, and the result wasn’t so enthusiastic. One of my favorite songs here, is “The Final Architect”. I personally love the riffs in the lower strings, because they bring out an obscure melody. The drums also remind a little the black/death metal style, but the double drum pedal fits perfectly in some points. “Petraolevm Salvia” is next and Enthroned are presenting an amazing song with a stunning flood of riffs, chanting background vocals, abyssal guitar solos and after that, the riff-slaughter is beginning again. Well, in a very massive album, “Petraolevm Salvia” is absolutely a memorable song. “Oracle Ov Void” in the same occult music paths as the previous songs and finally the ritualistic “Thy Blight Vacuum” settles down in someway the ending of “Obsidium”.

Well, I don’t care if Enthroned have the same old style and nothing new to declare, I will always have them in the top of my favorite black metal bands. Who wants a black metal band to play something different anyway? I loved the frequent use of chantings and the atmospheric keyboards that are breaking somehow the genre’s stereotypes, but musically I like “Pentagrammaton” a little more, than “Obsidium”. Anyway the new record didn’t disappoint me at all and I won’t stop in only one listening. “Obsidium” can easily be in the top metal albums of the year. It’s raw, it’s dark, it’s hellish. But first of all it’s a true black metal record.

Track List Line Up
01. Sepulchred Within Opaque Slumber
02. Nonus Sacramentvm – Obsidium
03. Horns Aflame
04. Deathmoor
05. Oblivious Shades
06. The Final Architect
07. Petraolevm Salvia
08. Oracle Ov Void
09. Thy Blight Vacuum
Nornagest – Lead Vocals, Guitar
Nerath Demon – Guitar, Keyboards
Phorgath – Backing Vocals, Bass
Garghuf – Drums