
Driver In BARONESS Tour Bus Crash May Never Face Charges

Savannah, Georgia-based quartet BARONESS was involved in a road accident on August 15, 2012 in England when the band's tour bus reportedly plummeted for 30 feet over a viaduct after going through a security barrier during heavy rain. Nine people, including the four members of the group, were sent to the hospital, two of them with serious injuries. According to BBC News, the driver of the bus — a German national by the name of Norman Markus — was to be charged with dangerous driving, using a vehicle with defective brakes and breaching a 7.5-ton weight limit. He was summonsed to attend the court on Friday for a preliminary hearing, but his attorney, Jonathan Turner, said that if Markus chose not to attend court "nothing can be done" because the summons was not served in the U.K.