

Legendary grindcore godfathers BRUTAL TRUTH and seminal, abrasive-noise terroristsBASTARD NOISE have teamed up for a split record of harsh power-electronic noise insanity. Combining over four decades of grinding noise dominance, "The Axiom Of Post Inhumanity" is a long-overdue pairing of extreme music veterans that is sure to push the limits of even the most masochistic listeners. Available on CD, LP and digital formats, "The Axiom Of Post Inhumanity" will be released on November 11 via Relapse Records. Both the CD and LP formats of the release contain entirely different sets of music from both bands while the digital version collects all of the tracks onto one compilation. The album is available for pre-order via Relapse mailorder. "The Axiom Of Post Inhumanity" track listing: LP track listing: 01. BRUTAL TRUTH - Control Room: Peace is the Victory Mix 02. BASTARD NOISE - Preemptive Epitaph for the Living 03. BASTARD NOISE - The Antenna Galaxies (ngc 4038-4039) 04. BASTARD NOISE - Frack Baby Frack CD track listing: 01. BASTARD NOISE - The Duel of the Ant and the Dragonfly 02. BASTARD NOISE - The Horizon on Lynx 03. BASTARD NOISE - Horned Beetle Conflict

Brutal Assault: Line up changes and One-day tickets

We are sad to announce that both KILLING JOKE (serious family problems) and D.R.I. (injured guitarist) have been forced to cancel their performance at BA festival. But we are also happy to announce that famous drummer Dave Lombardo (Slayer) and his band PHILM have been confirmed as a new act for this year’s edition. Other newly confirmed bands are Swedish death metallers VORMITORY and Ukrainian nihilistic black metal band BALANCE INTERRUPTION. Tickets information: