Adelaide Now conducted an exclusive interview via e-mail with GUNS N’ ROSES lead singer Axl Rose. A couple of excerpts from the chat follow below.

Adelaide Now: You don’t seem like someone who trawls Facebook orTwitter or YouTube. Do any of the fan or media comments filter through to you? What are your thoughts on social media?

Axl: I’m not that directly involved with social media, though we do use it with GN’R. I’ll make a post here and there. I get shown or told about things people think I’ll have an interest in, updates. I like that our fans can keep up to date and connect with each other.

Regarding social media, I really don’t understand what appears to be the general population’s lack of concern over privacy issues in publicizing their entire lives on the Internet for others to see to such an extent… but hey it’s them, not me, so whatever. However, when so many seem to be making similar choices regarding their privacy to where it seems to become the norm, and in turn businesses use someone’s lack of involvement with social media to marginalize or stereotype and stigmatize them, or use it as grounds not to hire someone, I feel it’s extremely unfair and seems a bit Orwellian.

Adelaide Now: A lot of people appreciated the fact you stuck to your beliefs and didn’t do something to please other people. You must have noticed a precedent for members of other bands reuniting for the right amount of cash or prestige — not the best motivation.

Axl: The surprising amount of public support has felt good and, as I’ve said, is a relief.

In regard to other bands what another person or band does is just that, meaning it is what someone else chooses to do for whatever reasons. I, like anyone, can have an opinion about those choices, but ultimately it’s not my life or my band and how it affects my life is negligible. As for money and prestige, if one has an opportunity to make money and/or advance their position or place in life there can be a lot to weigh and consider, such as responsibilities, goals and objectives etc. We all make choices, deal with our sense of priorities, principles, ethics, morals, balancing, juggling, making compromises… or not! Ha!

Adelaide Now: One interesting issue it raised was the question of the romantic idea of an original lineup reforming, no matter the reason behind them no longer working together. Billy Corgan has talked about a “porn fantasy” some fans have of the original PUMPKINS lineup touring again, which he continually has to say will never happen. What are your thoughts on this?

Axl: I understand the “romantic” thing, the desire, the fantasy. Personally I haven’t wanted other bands to reunite, or really enjoyed it when they have. For me generally something always seemed missing.

But GUNS is my life, not someone else’s. For me, there hasn’t been a way to make any type of reunion work, regardless of money (either talk or legitimate), without jeopardizing what I feel is the well being and best interests of nearly everyone I’m involved with in the GN’R camp (including myself). People here have big investments of their lives in what we’re doing. We’ve worked hard for what we have here now and continue to do so. I know what I went through then. I know what I and all of us have gone through since. People enjoyed the product and the entertainment our lives gave them back in the day, but they weren’t the ones actually living those lives together. It’s not somewhere I’d go back to or would want to go again. Life’s too short.

Read the entire interview from Adelaide Now.
